Sunday, January 2, 2011

More than just a New YEAR!

This was the first year of my life (that I can remember) that I did not see midnight. Reed was in bed by 8:30 and Mike and I were in bed by 9:30 so I didn't get my "New Year's Kiss" till Saturday morning. We had flirted with the idea of going downtown for Oklahoma City's New Year's Eve celebration, "First Night", but that idea was quickly dismissed when the forecast showed a cold snap on its way and the temperature dropping below 20 degrees. I have become less reselient in my old age and I'm a bit of a weather snob. I just don't tolerate the cold, in fact I don't tolerate the heat either. I'm a pretty big whiner and I love my springs and falls. What worries me is that as a parent I'm going to have to sacrifice (probably quite often) in order for my children to enjoy the various outdoor activities year round. I saw people at the theme park near our house last summer when the highs were topping 100 degrees. I can't handle that - will my children hate me?

Because somebody had to get up with Reed in the morning, we just hit the sack at the regular time. Mike made up for it tho. Thursday I was being such a good wife, and since I was home with Reed all day I decided to throw something together in the crock pot for dinner. However, Mike surprised me with some wonderful news! He had secretly arranged a date night! He was in cohorts with Keith and Cassie who were expecting Reed as their guest that evening. Mike and I enjoyed margaritas while discussing our 2011 plans, including our trips in March to the Sedona ea in Arizona in and Indianapolis, as well as Hawaii in June. Mike will be racing the Rohto 70.3 in (on?) Kona. That would be the half distance IronMan Triathlon.
Then we hit the movie theater and saw Fighter. Ouch. I liked it but I just have a slight issue with boxing movies because of the violence, so I kept my eyes averted for about one third of it. When we returned for our little man, I was pretty excited to see him. Any time away from him makes me miss him so much and I need all the details about what happened while I was gone so I don't feel left out. I actually get feelings of excitement to hear how he acts for other people.

His laughs have become more frequent as we discover exactly where he keeps his funny bone. It's so awesome.

(here is a link to my youtube channel )

Today I write this as Reed and I hang out at home and Mike is at the pool doing his annual swim challenge. It's called the 100-100s. He swims 10,000 yards straight (that is over 6 miles!) and he has 6 people joining him this year. While he's been gone, I had a visit from my own personal physical therapist. I'm finally on the road to recovery for this groin pain that I've been suffering from for 5 months now. Lensey has been working with me and it feels so good to finally have answers. I'm doing my prescribed homework religiously! I want it fixed so I can run again! That's the only way I'm going to be able to get my body looking even remotely similar to what it was. Reed is a great workout- yes. He helps me do reps for my shoulders, biceps... but mostly he works this little muscle that runs along my left shoulder blade. Ouch!
Yesterday we took all the Christmas decor and stowed it away and then proceeded to rearrange the living room! It looks great and Mike and I both love the change! Now he wants a new chair, which I agree would be a nice touch. I support that purchase more than I do the TV for the bike garage... which has been tabled for now *whew!*
One thing I have to say for my husband, if he's going to do something, he's going to do it right! And that pretty much applies across the board!

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