Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The one about the things we do as parents!

Reed met one of his favorite super heroes! Super Why!

We do some really silly things once we are parents.  Two years ago if you caught me wearing an Elmo shirt, you would have to ask if I lost a bet.  Now, you would know that I giggled to myself when I saw the shirt because the thought of bringing a huge smile to Reed’s surprised face to see it on me, would be worth the purchase.
I had so many rules before I had kids and I thought they would stay thick black lines.  I didn’t want toys in the living room. Toys belong in the bedroom.  Yet, there are toys strung across every living area in my house.  I didn’t want childish baby clothes- puppy dogs and dinosaurs were rejected.  Plaid button ups, solid polos and argyle sweater vests were hunted. Okay, so this rule has stayed quite ridged- I still love “little man clothes”  and our rule is that if Mike wouldn’t wear it, then the boys can’t wear it. Except sweater vests- haha! Mike wouldn’t be caught dead in one and such.  The only bend there is the pajamas. Reed loves Cars, Elmo, Thomas and the like- so bedtime is an exciting time because he gets to wear his “choo choo pants”. 
I scour the internet for family activities and events to take the boys to.  What I consider fun is what I know will bring joy to Reed.  My favorite band is now Spaghetti Eddie.  I search the calendar on his fan page for the next concert that I can take the boys to.  When family comes to visit- I want drag them to all our “regular” spots.  Tuesdays is library day.  Our library has a large children’s room where they host storytime, or “lapsit”.  The lady who runs it, Amy, does basically the same routine each time.  15 minutes of free play, then the clean up song.  After that she will do a few songs like “itsy bitsy spider” and “head, shoulders, knees and toes” and then maybe a book.  Following that is the felt board where we search for either the mouse behind a house, a goat behind a boat, or kitten behind a mitten.   There is some dancing for the toddlers- a CD she plays with the songs “Finger poppin” and “shake your sillies out”.  Lastly is the bubble machine, which is probably the favorite. The kids follow her around like a tot-cult.  This is every week on Tuesdays and Reed loves the library.  I can ask him, Reed do you want to go to the library? I will always get a “yes!” in answer.  Sometimes we hit the Children’s Museum after the library and it’s a ton of fun, too!  Another reason Tuesdays are so great is that it’s garbage day and oh boy- that is a big event around here! Reed is fascinated by the garbage truck!
Last week, Mike took the day off to spend a wonderful Tuesday with us.  He got to see just how much Reed enjoys the library.  Both of our moms, as well as our dear friend Cassie, have taken Reed to the library for me (the 3 weeks  after Bryce was born).  I feel honored to take him every week so I can imagine just how special it was for each of them to experience that with him.  Thursdays is normally the zoo. They have a great playground, perfect for Reed’s size.  Really good playgrounds are a tough find.  I have an eye that’s always on the lookout when I drive past a park.  Location is important, followed by cleanliness and variety of equipment.  A steering wheel somewhere in the playground is a must for Reed.  That’s guaranteed to keep his attention and earn his approval.
The signs painted on a restaurant window advertising “Family Night” would put a mental note in my mind to STEER CLEAR!  Now it’s the opposite. The more entertainment and activities I can find for my littles the better!  It’s not about me anymore. It’s about my boys having fun.  I never understood the sacrifice until I was making it myself.  I didn’t get why mom’s tortured themselves by hauling their kids around and suffering through the mind numbing noise and clatter that they love.  But it’s not a sacrifice at all!  I love it! I need it and I seek it out!
When Bryce was born, people thought it would slow me down.  Thought I’d become a hermit.  They thought they’d have to come to me in order to play because it’d be too complicated and too difficult for me to get out of the house with them both.  No way, I say.  I’m out as much as I can be while Bryce is still a breeze!  He’ll sleep anywhere, take a bottle anywhere and can’t run away!  I don’t know if I’ll stay as mobile or as willing to pop in and out of places, but we’ll just have to wait to see what happens!

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