Friday, August 12, 2011

The one about baby weight

When you're hauling around a baby under one year old, while pregnant, it's really hard not to be self conscious about your baby bump.  I don't know why I care so much but I sometimes wish I could wear a sign or just announce to the world that this isn't post pregnancy baby weight- I lost all of that. This is  new baby weight!

While I can't announce it to the world, the best I can do is announce it to all of you who read my blog.  I don't expect you to take my word without proof, and I won't disappoint. Here is a picture from April, when I set up the blow up pool in the back yard for Reed. He's 7 & 1/2 months old.  I have to apologize for how white I am, plus the exposure of the photo didn't help me out, there!
I am very proud to say I made it back to pre-pregnancy weight, and although I had a lot of "toning" left to do, my real goal was not to start another pregnancy with baby weight from the first one.

Carrying Reed around with this growing belly is becoming a little difficult.  I can barely imagine what it's going to be like in the next few months. I just keep getting bigger and so does he! I'm so glad he's walking now, which is great around the house, but when we go places I still have to carry him in.  I did test him on walking into school the other day.  I held his hand and walked with him but it wasn't very efficient. There were way too many "This way Reed"s and "Over here Reed"s.  Even with some tugging on his arm it took us about 5 times longer than usual.  Or ten times, I'm not sure. We will definitely  have to work on that.  At least its an option now that I've found shoes that I can get on his feet, and that he'll actually wear.  They're rubberoos, and they're like socks with rubber soles on them.  It's much easier to get them on and off than the other shoes we have and they don't seem to bother him.

For the past few weeks, Reed has really been into pointing. He points at people as they pass by (as if they can't see him pointing at them!) he points around the house (the door, the fan, the ball, etc).  What cracks me up is when Mike comes home from work, Reed is so excited to see him and can't wait for Mike to pick him up but instead of greeting him with a hug he immediately turns outward and his finger is pointing without him even deciding what the object will be yet.  He does this with a very inquisitive sound as well, "da?" or "groo?" or "beh?"  Reed is starting to communicate with us! This is just the beginning, but I'm ready to find out what's been going on in that head of his!

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