He cracks me up every single day with his mischievous smile, his stubborn independence and his sly charm. The expressions he can come up with are downright hilarious sometimes.
Reed is learning at such an incredible rate that we have to consciously remember to keep up with him and challenge him mentally.
At his friend, Luke’s birthday, Reed impressed the other moms and Luke’s grandma. Multiple times she commented on what a difference 3 months makes. It’s true! I can’t wait for either of our parents to see Reed again. My mom was here for his birthday in August and Mike’s mom saw him last when she came in September for my birthday. He has grown and changed significantly. Even in his face and his body, I feel that he is turning into a boy and I see much less of my little baby.
This will be our last Christmas with only one baby- next year Reed’s brother will be here to share it with him and the family traditions will start to solidify. I can only imagine the mischief they will cause together and the scams they will come up with! When I think about my own childhood, I can only shake my head and brace myself for what I have coming to me.
I still don’t understand why it can’t be as easy as it was with Reed. I just want to be sure. I want to know without a doubt that we are choosing the right name for the baby. I am even starting to doubt my desire to have his initials be the same as mine. What if he doesn’t like being named after his mom? What if he feels less of a man because Reed’s middle name is after his dad, but his name is based on mom?
Could I over-analyze this more? :o) Probably not!
He sure looks like Reed. We had an ultrasound recently and when they flipped it over to 3D, he had his hands in front of his face. But, a couple of times he would shift just enough to catch it at an angle where we could see most of his face, and all I could see was Reed. Maybe we’ll just name him Reed #2.
That’s a terrible idea, forget I said that!
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