Monday, February 20, 2012

The one about Elmo!

I have to attempt to get this story down real quick! I have had literally no time to blog lately, which really bums me out because there is so much I’d love to record about this time in our lives.  Hopefully in the next few days I’ll be able to buckle down and get some thoughts tapped out about the boys.
Right now I want to focus on last week’s trip to the library for the celebrity appearance by the big red fuzz himself, Elmo!
My Reed is one of the coolest toddlers around.  He hardly has any fear and I’m not sure there is a shy bone in his body.  Oh, he’ll feign shyness at times, but it’s only because he thinks it’s cute.
So, we heard that Elmo was coming at our weekly “story-time” hour at the library on Tuesday.  Something that I wouldn’t be able to live without at this point.  They were actually warning people to stay away from the library on Thursday because Elmo was coming and it was going to be so packed and chaotic.  Well, I wasn’t afraid and I knew it was an opportunity for something special for Reed.  So, I loaded sleeping Bryce in the sling and lead Reed into the library.  The children’s room was backed full to the brim. There had to be about 60 people stuffed in there so I kept Reed out in the reading area at a table with a book until Elmo arrived. 
As soon as Reed saw Elmo walking through the library he hopped up and ran over to him shouting, “Elmo!”  He got a hug and a little interaction with just him and another little boy.  The other mom and I were both taking pictures along with a lady from the newspaper. 
After a few minutes they had to usher Elmo into the Children’s Room to perform for the awaiting crowd.  We followed them in and Reed didn’t waste much time before he wiggled his way through so he could stand front and center before Elmo.  The library staff had to lead him back to me … a couple of times. 
After reading two books, it was time to do the hokey pokey and they let all the kids get up and dance in front of Elmo.  Reed again made his way up to Elmo so he could regain his “number one fan” status.  The library staff still attempted to hold Reed back just a bit so Elmo didn’t trip over him.
When Elmo had to take a break and leave the room for a bit, we did too.  I took Reed out to the tables and gave him an applesauce while we looked at books.  When Elmo returned the TV crew was waiting for him and so was Reed!  The reporter fell in love with Reed while they were waiting for the camera man to set up and after oohing and ahhing over how cute he is, she asked if they could use him during the interview! Of course! By this time, Reed had become very comfortable around Elmo and wasn’t nearly as star struck as he was just 20 minutes earlier.  He easily gave Elmo high fives on demand for the camera. 
Not only was I extremely excited for that my little man got to meet his first celebrity, I was insanely proud of him for being so cool.  I was capturing photo after photo with my phone so I could send them to everyone in my contacts list.  Even two hours later, I still felt high on the excitement of the morning! I couldn’t stop sending the pictures that I’d taken and realized that I’d had my first taste of this “mommy madness” and pride.  I felt a little retarded that I couldn’t come down from my cloud.  It was a man in a fuzzy red suit for crying out loud.
My baby boy had his first TV appearance under his belt!  He was live on a local Oklahoma City morning show- and I was ready to teach him how to sign autographs.  To view the video clip online, click here.  You might have to look around a bit to find “Elmo Visits Library” under morning news, if the link doesn’t take you directly there.
Also, here is the link for the Edmond Sun Newspaper story. 

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