Thursday, February 28, 2013

The one about Decker clapping and Reed's defiance

We feel like Decker finally hit his “super learning mode” and it’s been so fun!  He’s always been our happy little baby, just a ride-the-waves kind of guy.  But he seems really eager to participate in things and be a big boy lately.  Just the other day we were all hanging out on our bed and he decided he wanted to try to clap on his own. His little hands started moving –ever so slowly- towards each other and then away. His face was bright as a star! He just knew he was doing something amazing!  Then he started playing peek-a-boo and putting his hands up on his face in all the wrong places. One on his cheek, one on his ear- then he’d pull them away with a huge smile! Then his hands would go right back to his face- only a couple of times did they ever cover his eyes.  When he was done playing he turned himself around and scooted towards the edge of the bed backwards and dropped to the floor. We hadn’t realized that he’d picked up the proper way to get down from the bed, so there we go again cheering for Decker and how great he is! Once he was down and steady, he turned away from the bed and headed towards the bathroom door- he walked over there on his own, pushed the bathroom door open and kept walking a couple more steps before he plopped down to his butt.

Mike and I were just bursting with pride over the whole scene we had just witnessed.  It’s time to start treating him like the toddler he is and stop pretending he is a baby.  I drew it out as long as I could, knowing he’s my last baby, but I can’t hold him back forever.  He’s such a sweet boy and easily captures the hearts of all the ladies he meets.  Following in his brother’s footsteps I suppose.   My favorite thing to do is still to kiss his cheeks- second favorite thing is to ask him to dance.  He’s a happy little dancer.

Reed… is there a potty training class we can put him in? We’ve heard that you can’t rush them. You do your due diligence, but they have to be ready or else you’re just going to make it harder on yourself. I keep thinking that Reed is ready, but it’s a full on battle to get him into the bathroom most of the time.  I hate bringing it up because I know he’s going to throw himself on the floor screaming and crying. “No! I don’t want to go to the potty!!” The simple fact is, if we take him every hour or so, he will go just fine and can wear his big boy undies all day.  But, he will NOT go on his own accord. And also, once he’s in there it’s completely fine and it’s not a horrible experience. He just hates breaking from whatever he’s doing in order to use the potty.  Like he’s going to miss something.  So, I’ve tried to strategically take him in between activities or when we get home from outings… rather than pull him away from something.  That doesn’t work – but I believe we just have to stick with it. I don’t want potty training to be a horrible experience. I don’t want him to learn to hate the bathroom. We’ve tried many things to make it a fun place. Peeing on fruit loops, reading magazines, doing a maze puzzle, getting a sticker (or stamp, or tattoo) as a reward… everything works at first, but this kid needs variety. 
Today I was preparing their lunches and after I had them both eating, Reed said to me. “Don’t stand up! We’re having lunch- sit down and eat with us, dude! Sit down, dude!” One of the funnier things he’s said lately!  But he cracks me up on a daily basis with the things he comes up with.  He communicates so well and has very strong opinions. He often forgets to “talk nicely” and is very demanding. Hmmm. Last night Mike called him defiant and I told him that Reed was just like Mike was as a two year old and he said, “Yeah, that’s how I know he’s being defiant” Reed continues to do the exact things we tell him not to, while looking us straight in the eye. Or, as we’re telling him to stop doing something, he will keep doing it, but faster- as though his window of opportunity is about to close because we have to physically force him to stop. 

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