It's very interesting the conversations you have with people when you're pregnant. What I find the most funny is that people rarely ask me questions. It's usually more of an assumed statement. Here are a few examples,
"you're getting an epidural, aren't
"Ugh, you're going to hate going through the whole summer in this heat?"
"I bet you're just ready to get him out of there, you poor thing"
"you're not still riding that bicycle, are you? WHAT? You should stop."
"When are you due? You look like you're ready to pop!" And they're looking at me with this horrified expression like I'm some sort of freak and when I tell them I have (8,7,6,5...etc) weeks to go they reply, "really?! I don't think you're going to make it!"
As if there were an alternative.
I find the negativity very surprising for such a wonderful time in my life. I'm experiencing the miracle of growing a life inside me. I'm making this baby and its a baby that no one else can make. Its my very own. A combination of the man of my dreams and me... an individual, a
personality, a beating heart. I don't waste my time or energy fretting about the heat, or the pain, or my size. I've done the best job I can in providing a healthy, loving, stress free environment. I eat well - most people would be astonished at the fruit and veggies that I consume per day. I have not stopped working out and I was still getting in bike rides 3 or more mornings per week as well as swimming and strength training most days, sometimes doubling up and getting two workouts per day when I don't have work. (my last bike ride was a week ago on Friday 7/16. After the two cyclists were killed in separate events in one weekend-very close to my house... I just can't get myself out there anymore. Especially since I ride alone every day).
It's not that easy but I'm motivated. Sure, I like sitting around on the couch eating ice cream as much as the next person. Sometimes that's the most tempting activity I can think of, in fact :o) but the way I feel when my blood is pumping and my muscles are staying strong is irreplaceable.
Along with that, I must stay strong because I intend on having an active birth. Meaning, no lying in a stinking hospital bed as though something were wrong with me :o) I know it's going to be a challenge but I believe in challenging myself and I know I can do it. I'm planning for an un-medicated birth. No epidural, no induction, so hopefully a lower c-section risk and less medical intervention. I don't want to offend anyone who is or did get an epidural - I completely respect that decision, I know natural is not for everyone. And of course in the event my doctor suggests any of the labor inducing drugs, I will go with what's best and not be completely stubborn to my birth plan. I am not the expert so I'll do what needs to be done for the safety of myself and my baby. My doctor is very supportive of my choice to go unmedicated which makes me feel encouraged.

Mike loves it, he's very supportive and is making sure he's well educated in his role as support person. I don't think I could ever be more in love with him. That's a topic for another day ;o)
This is his 'moses basket' next to me on the bed. He will sleep here for the first few weeks :o) I love to just look at it and imagine him sleeping in there