Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reed's clothes are shrinking!

It's true. Every time I go to put something on him his clothes are getting tighter and tighter. Mostly they are becoming too short. I've gone over the possibilities and I've decided that his clothes must be shrinking because there is no way that my baby is growing. He's still my tiny little man- I'm sure of it. Mike, on the other hand, disagrees completely. Everyday when he comes home he walks right up and steals his son from me. As he does this he releases a huge grunt as he slowly lifts him up to his shoulder and he says, "Reed, you are sooo big!" Then he turns to me and says, "he's definitely heavier! Lets go weigh him!!" I'm not exaggerating, he does this almost daily.So, I think I'm going to have to send a letter to LG about their washers and dryers. I mean seriously, clothes generally only shrink the first time you wash them- not continuously. It's just
Last night was a big night at the Franklin residence! Mike and I are hoping its a milestone- a turning point, if you will. Not just a fluke. Reed slept in his crib and only woke up twice! The first leg was 3.5 hours and then he was up for a half hour to eat and get changed and fell right back asleep for another 3 hours! The effect this had on me was about the same as visiting the fountain of youth or maybe some miracle drug that turned me back into a human being. Previously he'd been sleeping in bed with me (as you may recall) and wouldn't stay asleep if he wasn't being held or touched. So, this is huge. He's becoming an independent sleeper. He looks so tiny in that big old crib, its one of the most precious sights I've ever seen. It's almost enough for me to pick him right back up again and snuggle him up to me. I don't of course, but its the best part about hearing the monitor sound off and having to go get him in the middle of the night.He's also getting very active in his little play gym. His little arms fly around and hit the toys that are hanging down. It actually keeps him entertained long enough for me to go to the bathroom and maybe grab something to eat. But, even with him lying there happy as a hippo I can't just leave him there to do household chores. I have to sing him songs, play with him and tickle his precious tummy! I know when he's finished playing because he starts huffing really fast thru his nose! It's like a bull! He does "the bull" whenever he's feeling especially impatient.

We haven't decided what our Halloween plans are yet... so far my favorite ideas for costumes are me as a referee, Mike as a football player and Reed as a football! I haven't seen a football costume yet- so that might be difficult. Plus, I don't know if we're going to a party or anything. I actually think we might have to throw one!! We could do something a little more fitting like... Mike is a farmer, I'm a cow, Reed is a calf ... that way him being attached to the boob all night is just part of the costume!
I'll keep thinking of ideas and keep you updated!!
Here is a funny picture of Reed sleeping on my legs. We went out to the backyard to play and I guess he just got very comfortable from the bouncing!

1 comment:

  1. ha! i love this post! so freakin cute! reed is an absolute doll! sophie does the "bull" too! i like that name...i may have to steal it from you:) i'm glad you are throwing a party! way to get things going! we already got sophie a little halloween onesie before we knew we had a party so she will not match us at all, but like reed she will be attached:)
