Sunday, November 21, 2010

3 months yet?

So Reed is now 12 weeks old but by date he won't be three months old until the 28th, which is still a week away. And I know that when people ask me how old he is they don't mean they want to know exactly how old he is, but I feel obligated to be honest and not mislead them so my answer is almost never straight forward. I have been responding with "almost 3 months" but sometimes I end up in a long winded explanation about exactly how old he is.
About 3 weeks ago we started sitting him in his Bumbo- it's great exercise for him since he can sit and work on controlling his head and balancing his body. Plus its just super cute to see him sitting up "by himself". He uses the opportunity to examine his hands and work on his hand-mouth coordination.
He also loves to stand, he's just so strong that if you stand him up he'll be straight as a board. Touch anything to his feet and he'll push against them. We first had to use this trick in the early weeks when he wasn't having any poo diapers. A little exercise does a body good!
Although he enjoys almost any movement or position he is an acrobat deep down and loves to be held high above our heads. The sweetest thing is that gravity pulls all the weight of his face down until he resembles a monkey. He smiles almost automatically, which is dangerous because once you get that smile going, there is no stopping until the shoulder muscles give out! He stiffens his body and holds his arms down to his sides in fists like a tiny baby super hero- sans tights.
The poor guy started losing all his hair a week ago. People kept commenting on the fact that he still had all his hair and we were very optimistic that we were going to escape the curse. But sadly, no. Since he sleeps on his tummy, he has pretty severe balding going on above each ear for the length of the side of his head. I sometimes give him a scalp massage to get those hair follicles reactivated.
3 nights ago we had a miracle happen. Reed slept 8 hours straight and got us both very excited. I still had to get up at 4:45am since he went to bed just before nine; it's amazing how fast 8 hours can go. He has since resumed his normal 2-3 hours at a time. Poor little guy has been stuffy and mucusy the last couple weeks so that's not helping him sleep either. We're getting better with "The Bulb" and trying to help him as best we can. Its pretty sad when there's not much we can do.
I've been storing up milk like it was the end of the world. It started in the hospital as a way to help extract nutrients since Reed wasn't eating well and we had to use it to encourage his latch. Then we got home and I knew I would need to get a good stock pile for going back to work so we wouldn't have to ever supplement with formula. Although it looks like we have plenty I still can't stop and always feel like I'm behind in his needs. I know its psychological because I'm clearly producing more than he's eating in a day or the storage would be going down not up, but I cannot help the way I feel. Even when we're running out of room in the freezer. I just want to have enough so that when I stop nursing, Reed can continue without formula.

The logical part of my brain says to stop worrying about having enough milk. I don't need the stress in my life. Especially when it's completely imaginary.
Speaking of stress, I have rededicated myself to a stress-free more positive attitude. During pregnancy I made it a high priority to keep negative thoughts and feelings out and try to stay happy and relaxed. I wanted Reed to have a happy environment to grow in. I did a fairly good job, if I do say so myself. However, since his birth I have noticed that I do allow things to bother me and find myself dwelling in a negative mood. How terrible! I say enough of that! I'm bringing the smiles back! In my defense I was getting a lot more sleep back then, but it is just as, if not more, important now. So, consider me officially rededicated!

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