Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Men’s Day Wednesday

Let’s just call it what it is. My men are home together on Wednesdays while I go out into the world and win bread, or make dough. Either way somehow I’ll be bringing home some bacon.
They are absolutely adorable together. One thing that makes it so sweet is that most of Reed’s clothes are not baby clothes. They are tiny little man child clothes. When we are shopping Mike likes to say, “If I won’t wear it then Reed can’t wear it”. So a lot of their clothes are very similar. Soon I will take some pictures to illustrate what I’m saying.
I haven’t a clue what they’re up to right now but I’m dying to know. They’re probably doing push ups or something manly like that. Perhaps they’re just sitting around in their underwear eating pizza. I feel blessed that I have a husband who makes it such a priority to spend time with his baby. To him, it’s very important to use his vacation days to be home with Reed for the entire day (ten hours!) once a week. He’s the most capable new father in the world and I feel very confident saying that. Mike has never once turned away from a dirty diaper and most times just takes Reed to change him without even being asked. In fact, the system usually goes: I feed him, Mike burps and changes him. Do I feel guilty about this? Do I feel like I’m taking advantage of my husband? Actually yes, I do. I didn’t in the beginning, before I went back to work because I was home all day with every diaper until Mike got home so I had no problem tagging him in for diaper duty. However, since we both work now, I actually do feel like I’ve relinquished too much and the scales are tipping unjustly. Now that I’ve admitted to it, I’m going to have to start working on it. (Dang!)
Halloween was good! We invited a whole bunch of our friends and ended up with a small get together. The costumed Harpers and Gospodareks joined us for chili and caramel apples. Keith and Cassie had great costume ideas! They came as Forrest Gump (the long haired runner) and Jenny (the long haired hippy) and Allissa was an ipod, which was pretty cute. The Gospodareks came as cowboys, but Miss Sophie was a pumpkin. Mike and I decided on the football theme.
I made Reed’s costume with a borrowed sewing maching and it was custom fitted two weeks ahead of time. This was tricky because he’s growing so fast it ended up being pretty snug! I was a referee and Mike was a coach! He got his big noise cancelling headphones and wore them on his hat, like the coaches do, and had a binder called his “playbook”. My referee costume was the most decent sexy one I could find. I had to wear shorts under it but the zipper gave Reed easy access so that was important.
I planned on taking Reed out and “trick-or-treating” in the neighborhood to show him off to neighbors that we know but time just slipped away and before I knew it the night was almost over! I remembered that Halloween is kind of annoying because whatever you’re doing is constantly interrupted by the door bell.
Since this was my first attempt at sewing a Halloween costume I am pretty proud of myself for how it turned out, I’m actually thinking about selling it on ebay next year. I think Reed like it because it was kind of like wearing his pajamas all night. Not that any of his clothes are really that uncomfortable! One thing Reed and I have in common is our love for elastic waist pants!


  1. cutest family pic ever! love it!

  2. such a fun night:) btw we were farmers:) that way a pumpkin makes sense:)
