Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The One Where I thought we were on a break...

Sorry about the break! Life has been so busy and blogging hit the back burner. On top of that, the computer went on the frits! But, we have it back now so I have to take a quick sec out of my day to throw down some words.
Reed has had a lot going on lately with the addition of solids, be

ing sick, and supplementing with formula. Its breaks my heart, but my production is way down so we've had to start giving Reed formula. I have learned that formula has its benefits! I can take a bottle with powder in it and a separate bottle of water to mix while I'm out and about and actually feed him comfortably in public! No wardrobe malfunction risks, no frozen packets, and most importantly no running out in the middle of a feeding and frustrating a hungry little man!
I'm still hanging in there and feeding him when I can, about twice a day, because the benefits of breastmilk are still important to me. Plus, I just enjoy snuggling with Reed and there is a whole emotional aspect that goes along with it.
Reed discovered Cautia! I wanted to blog about this when we first noticed that he was watching her, but it has been almost two weeks now. Mike looked at me and said, "Look! He's watching her!" Which was really cool, because we knew that he didn't yet know that we had a cat! So a
couple days pass and the next thing you know, he's sitting on my lap and Cautia comes strolling up. His tiny hand reaches out and his fingers wave through her fur. I grabbed my phone to take a video so I could send it to Mike. He was petting Cautia! I have to tell you, no one was more excited than Cautia! I think she's been waiting months for this little guy to get big enough to be able to show her some love. Ever since that turning point, they have become friends and spend a lot of time hanging out together. Cautia loves to drop by to see if Reed is in the mood to show her some attention.

Another big event was on Tuesday, we took Reed to the small playground at the end of our street. It was his first time on the swings and he had a blast! It was adorable! I got some not-so-great pictures on my wonderful 1.3 megapixal blackberry camera, but I'll be taking him again this afternoon and get some good photos. That evening we webcam'd with my mom and he inched towards her! He usually just steam rolls all over the house but he's been working on some forward motion while on his belly, which is exiting to see.

We added carrots to his diet that day as well. I'm playing chef and making his baby food, because lets face it, baby food is not appetizing. However, pureed carrots and other veggies or fruits are just normal food in an altered and baby friendly form!

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