Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The One Where We Were Snowed in

They laughed when the weatherman said we would get "snow". They laughed when when he said it would be 6", then later 10+".
Now that I'm staring at a 4 foot snow drift on my back patio, who's laughing now? The blizzard of 2011 has befallen us. Saturday was 75 degrees and I had Reed naked on the patio. Today its 11 degrees at noon and I don't even want him to be naked in the house! Mike's offices officially closed for two days while my boss and about half my group has made it in. Here is my dilemma, we have two vehicles- a car and an SUV. The SUV with all wheel drive being the obvious choice for driving in this type of weather. On the other hand, it's a Porshe, which makes it also the worst choice for driving in this type of weather! I can't win!
Reed says, "what is all this white stuff? It has swallowed up our table and chairs!"
So we are all staying in, Mike, Reed and me. What have we been doing with our time? Well, I can tell you we haven't been as productive as we probably should be! Yesterday was Mike's birthday so it was nice that he could stay home so we could all spend his birthday together. He opened birthday presents and we made granola bars (his favorite and preferred over cake, anytime).
Other highlights include multiple rides on the trainer, a couple movies and a whole lot of playing!
We've been simulating crawling for Reed. One of us hold his ankles and one holds his hands as we inch him across the floor. This may look a little bit like dragging our child back and forth, but do not be fooled. This is a developmental exercise. I promise.
Another project that has occupied some of my time is a poster I promised to create for Emily. It's for Hounds of the Heartland, a group that saves retired racing greyhounds and adopts them out. Here is the poster so far... I'm still working on it, but I'm pretty excited about how it's coming along.

There are some things that I hope I never forget about Reed. I hope I always remember how soft his cheek is against mine. When he's sleepy and he's sitting on my one arm, his body melted against me and his cheek resting on mine because he doesn't have the energy to hold his head on his own. I hope I never forget his smell. When I walk into his room to get him from his crib, the sweet baby smell is all around me. A note here to other parents, no we don't keep any dirty diapers in his room (i.e. diaper genie) so that's not what it smells like! *wink*
It's the smell of his little body, his sweat I suppose. I always want to remember the sound of his baby voice and specifically, his laugh.
Reed is a tummy sleeper but sometimes we have to put him down on his back because he can't sleep on his tummy at school, its against the rules. So we try to sneak in a couple of on the back naps here and there to make it easier on his teachers. I thought this was a cute one from yesterday.

I got my first college B and I'm very distraught, it was on my math test Monday. This can't happen again- I missed 3 questions on a test of 25. This B breaks my streak! I guess I could blame it on being a new mom, I mean, I knew something was going to have to give. But in math, it only gets harder, right? So, that's just a really bad sign!
Okay, it's time I admit- I'm not really in the mood to blog. Blame it on being a snowday, but I thought to myself, "I have nothing better to do, I should be blogging." The thing about snow days, however, is that its the day you should be doing a bunch of things that you feel obligated to do, but don't feel the least bit interested in doing them. I could be mopping, catching up on laundry, deep cleaning, posting things I need to sell on ebay, etc. See, I was just sitting here and all those things popped into my head. The fact of the matter is, snowday is more likely to be a movie marathon day coupled with pajama day. Don't judge me.

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