Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's all about planning and preparation

We have taken Reed on a few trips in his six months of life, but they've all been road trips. He has slept in hotel rooms, spent hours in his carseat watching the trees race past the window, and eaten his cereal in a few roadside Subway restaurants.

We had intended to fly with him earlier, but it just didn't work out that way. So here we are thinking about airport security, baggage policies, in flight entertainment and the like. Reed will take his first plane trip in two days!

Mike and I have learned a lot from our Road trips such as what to pack and what not to pack. Of course it always happens that Itake a pile of things that we never use and find myself wishing I had brought a whole list of oher things. We think we are as prepared as we can be. I'm sure when it's all over I'll wonder why I was so anxious about it but as of right now, I just want it all to go smoothly.

We plan to spend some time in Sedona exploring their hiking and mountain biking trails so we purchased a hiking backpack/baby carrier that we hope to get tons of use out of this summer. Mike carried Reed around the store in it for about 30 minutes to test it out. Reed totally dug it, so we're exited to try it out on a real hike! We, meaning Mike, haha! I'm teasing. I carry the little man around all day, it will be a nice break to be able to carry him on my back, where the weight will be distributed easier.

Reed loves to give me a bicep workout. His favorite way to be carried now is on my forearm while he's facing out.

We also ordered our bike trailer. Since it's not safe to pull him around out here where we live and LOVE to bike- we would need to drive over to lake Hefner to ride with him. I used to think that would never happen, but since I get off work and pick him up at 3 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I find myself wishing I had my bike and a trailer so we could go ride around the lake. Especially since my office and his school are within a mile of the lake. Now it makes plenty of sense!

Here is Reed trying on helmets- we didn't buy this one because I don't like the color.

Here is a cute picture of Reed at Ross the other day. He looks so big in the cart! (Ross has small carts)

I planned to take Reed down the streed to this pretty tree area to take some pictures for the March Album on Picasa, but it started pouring! So, I'm off to the Just Between Friends sale! I will be looking to stock Reed up on his summer attire and accessories. Its not like he doesn't have enough stuff- but the sale is too good to pass up.

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