Thursday, April 7, 2011

Judgement day

Were you aware that when you have a baby you not only signed up to change your life by adding the sweetest kind of love God created, but also you get to be judged on a daily basis.
Maybe you didn't realize this, I sure didn't, but it's true. When you procreate, you are telling the world that it's their responsibility to narrow their eyes at that pacifier you picked up off the floor, to roll their eyes at the books and articles you read and then go by, to shun the way you discipline.

Mike and I try to make the best decisions for our family. We read a variety of information and we seek advice from friends we trust, then we form our opinions and go with our choices. I'm not saying that my way is the only right way and anyone else's way is wrong. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and brings their own experiences to the table.

So yes, I've been told that I shouldn't believe everything I read. If I had a nickel for every time someone told me that we didn't have that when we were kids and we all turned out fine, I'd be a wealthy woman. Even when I'm not directly being judged I feel judged through seemingly innocent comments. Maybe I shouldn't take it all so personally, but my baby is as personal as it gets! oh and I play fair. If I'm going to be judged, I'm going to do some judging, too. I'm all ears and very open minded to why someone does things differently than I do. I love to learn now things and people with helpful and knowledgeable insight are judged favorably. People who pop out "accidents" they don't pay attention to and are lazy parents- they can forget about giving me advice.

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