Thursday, April 28, 2011

The one where Reed's Aunt Jessie comes to visit

Reed sure did love his Aunt Jessie! She came for Easter, and what timing that was!  Since my sister was coming from Wyoming, I was excited that she could leave her frosty weather behind and join us for some 80 and sunny days.  However, that's not what happened. Of course, the day she flew in we had a sharp turn in our weather pattern and our days were grey and rainy.  Not only did the weather disappoint but Reed had come down with the croup and his cranky twin took his place for the weekend.  He still found some reasons to smile, but over-all I was heartbroken because I was searching everywhere for my happy baby, but he was nowhere to be found.
Sunday, I wanted to go to church in the morning and show my sister Reed's Sunday School classroom and the song they do for the kids at the beginning of second service. But Reed was too sick.  We accepted an Easter Sunday lunch invitations from our neighbors across the street, but Reed's cough was out of control.  The Easter egg hunt at church was planned for 2 o'clock, but he didn't have the energy and I didn't feel right having him around other kids. I took him back to the doctor on Monday and learned he'd gotten an upper respiratory infection so we got his antibiotic and a couple days later, after Aunt Jessie had gone home, he was back to his joyful self!  
He sure loved her.  When she was packing up and getting ready to leave he was fussing and I knew he was tired but he wouldn't wind down. He climbed into her arms, buried his head into her neck, and fell fast asleep.

We did sneak in some fun activities! We had dinner at Saturn Grill (a tradition) and dropped in at the horse track for some live racing!  Jessie and I made a couple bets and cheered our horses on.  Reed was snuggled into the Baby Bjorn on Mike's chest and absorbed the whole thing.
We had lunch with Mel and Ty at the bagel shop- her final weekend of pregnancy (baby Kinley was born the following Wednesday.)  And we attended a friend's going away party, too.
I love having my sister here.  I wish I could just call her up at the drop of a hat and ask her to run and get pedicures with me.  I'd love to be able to drive a few blocks and have lunch with her, or drop Reed off for an evening every once in a while.  I think about her moving here quite often and picture her living in different neighborhoods around town and how convenient it would be for me and wonder what the cost of rent is...
I know I'm the one who moved away, but can't everyone just follow me around?

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