Thursday, April 21, 2011

The one about latching on to the affirmative

I love my life.
Sometimes it feels like I'm not completely in control, which is hard for me.  Sometimes I catch myself wishing something here or there was different. However, when I just sit back and take it all in, I realize how totally blessed I really am.  Where I came from, where I've been and where I'm going- it is so completely obvious what an amazing and wonderful journey my life is!
I am acutely aware of the forks that I came to along the road of my life and I can see where I could have chosen a different path which would have led me to a much darker place of struggle.  I've made choices, worked hard and tried to direct myself to an enjoyable life.  Of course, I have been lucky, too.  Lucky but also blessed and I'm thankful to The Lord for rewarding me the way He has.
Just because I'm happy with my life doesn't mean I am going to set the cruise control.  I continue to challenge myself, continue to bring a sense of "newness" to each day, because I don't want my life to go stale.  If you know me, then you know how I love to have a plan.  You also know that I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I feel that if I'm going to put my name on something then I better be proud to represent it.  That applies to my school grades, my projects at work, my home, my family and most of all myself.  I'm a firm believer in the "love yourself first" motto.  It surprises me how this can be something so hard for some and then so easy for others (which is a negative thing at that point.)  I struggle with it, I always have.  I doubt myself, catch myself doing some negative self talk, and I argue with people who believe in me.  When I find myself doing that I have to grab a trowel and start digging my way out of it.  I love positive affirmations!  What a great idea!  Oh yes, I totally buy into it and I have a couple.  I will share a sample:
"I am strong and able enough to attain my goals."
"I am loving and affectionate to my deserving husband."
"I am a patient wife and mother."
"I am a generous and loyal friend."
"I have a kind heart and am nice to all whom I encounter."
I recite these to myself as needed.  It's a good way to remind myself to be the person I want to be, because it's easy to forget, let me tell you.  It is easy to go about your day just totally wrapped up in yourself and not thinking about how you're treating other people.  But, I can do something about it.  And if I tell myself something enough times and really focus on it and believe it then I will BE it.

It works, if you've never tried positive affirmation, you should give it a shot.  Remember to create "I am"s and not "I will"s.  The key is believing that it IS true, not that it CAN BE true.

1 comment:

  1. great blog! and great encouragement to me! thank you sweet friend. love you!!
